Lake Louise Hotels

Sister hotel to the most famous of all hotels in Banff, the Fairmont Banff Springs...

If you are looking for reasonably priced hotels in Lake Louise in a good location,...
More Hotels & LodgingWinter Tours & Activities

Most people visiting Lake Louise also take a trip to Banff, and in the winter it’s...

Nothing depicts a Canadian Rockies winter scene quite like the sight and sound of...
More Tours & ActivitiesSkiing & Snowboarding

If you’re one of those people that prefers -20 to +20, and you’d happily...

The sheer size and variety of Lake Louise ski resort means that the skiing and riding...
More Skiing & SnowboardingEvents & Festivals

One of the highlights of the winter season in Lake Louise is the Ice Magic festival....

Once again Lake Louise will host the Winterstart World Cup, which will feature men’s...
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